
Here you can explore the main topics I have worked on or am currently engaged with during my academic journey. This includes a range of projects and research areas that I am passionate about.

In my bachelor’s degree, I mostly worked on routing problems and covered many topics, including the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), Capacitated VRP (CVRP), Multi-Depot VRP (MDVRP), Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), Covering Salesman Problem (CSP), Quota Traveling Salesman Problem (QTSP), Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem (PCTSP), Covering Tour Problem (CTP), and Multi-Depot Covering Tour Vehicle Routing Problem (MDCTVRP).

In my master’s degree, I started working on combinatorial optimization in supply chains, targeting problems at the intersection of routing and scheduling. Therefore, I worked on the Lot Sizing Problem (LSP), Lot Sizing Problem with Direct Shipment (LSPDS), Production Routing Problem (PRP), Inventory Routing Problem (IRP), Multi-Plant Production Routing Problem, Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup (VRPSDP), the multi-depot version of the VRPSDP, and the Production Routing Problem with Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups (MP-PRPSDP).

In my Ph.D., I broadened my perspective and worked on general MILP solvers, aiming to find a middle ground between exact algorithms and reinforcement learning-based approaches, leveraging the strengths of both.

Along the path of my academic journey, I found it a good habit to share the papers that I am reading and found interesting. For this purpose, I have also created a webpage where I share the papers I am reading or have read. This collection of papers provides insights into my research interests and the evolving landscape of my field. I hope this resource helps you gain a deeper understanding of the subjects I am dedicated to exploring.